Топ-бюстье с отделкой стразами

Топ-бюстье с отделкой стразами

Топ-бюстье с отделкой стразами
Art. Nr. F75T3ZGDBUOS9000

The SS23 fashion show retraces the history of Dolce&Gabbana from its origins, reinterpreting what it means to be Italian, its femininity and sensuality. It’s message is clear and strong: “fashion always looks forward, yet if it starts with a defined signature style it will never become obsolete”. The encounter with Kim Kardashian, the style and beauty icon of our modern times, has given life to an engaging and magical collaboration that led to the creation of a timeless collection that has been updated and reworked with an identity that speaks to the younger generations.

Топ-бюстье с цветочным декором из стразов:
• Серебристый цвет
• Внутренний лейбл Kim Dolce&Gabbana
• Рост модели 175 см, размер 40 IT
• Сделано в Италии

Состав внешнего материала: 50% полиамид 38% полиэстер 12% эластан

Топ-бюстье с отделкой стразами
Art. Nr. F75T3ZGDBUOS9000

The SS23 fashion show retraces the history of Dolce&Gabbana from its origins, reinterpreting what it means to be Italian, its femininity and sensuality. It’s message is clear and strong: “fashion always looks forward, yet if it starts with a defined signature style it will never become obsolete”. The encounter with Kim Kardashian, the style and beauty icon of our modern times, has given life to an engaging and magical collaboration that led to the creation of a timeless collection that has been updated and reworked with an identity that speaks to the younger generations.

Топ-бюстье с цветочным декором из стразов:
• Серебристый цвет
• Внутренний лейбл Kim Dolce&Gabbana
• Рост модели 175 см, размер 40 IT
• Сделано в Италии

Состав внешнего материала: 50% полиамид 38% полиэстер 12% эластан

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